巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:外展神經麻痺Abducens nerve palsy (2)

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Acupuncture - the Savior of Patients with Abducens Nerve Palsy

The human body has 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and the ones that control the lateral movement of the eyes are called the abducens nerves; they are the sixth pair of cranial nerves. Patients with abducens nerve palsy suffer from symptoms such as 'not being able to look to the sides', or 'not being able to roll the eyes.' This is also a classic type of extraocular muscle involvement. At the onset of the condition, patients' vision might become blurry. The enlargement of the extraocular muscle leads to a decrease in patients' ability to move and return the eyes, or results in the misalignment of the eyes. In some worse cases, patients might experience double vision. Generally, patients who suffer from this condition don't come to the Chinese clinics, as most of them go to seek help from western doctors. In this case, western doctors in the clinic would refer these patients to hospitals, which would possibly tackle the problem with surgery. Such tricky cases are almost unheard of in Chinese medicine. Luckily, during my observation at the clinic of my master, the Chinese doctor Chong-Kai Wen, I had not only seen patients with eye diseases every day but also encountered two patients with abducens nerve palsy.


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    人體有十二對腦神經,眼球的橫向移動靠外展又稱外旋神經( abducens nerve) 、屬於腦神經的第六對;外展神經麻痺出現的症狀就是患者描述的"眼球不能往外看了"或是"眼球卡住不能動"。這也是一種典型的眼外肌病(extraocular muscle involvement)。病發之初可能會先出現視力模糊,眼外肌的增大導致運動與復位能力減退或不協調,嚴重者則產生複視。基本上這種病的患者是不會出現在中醫病科,都是去找西醫,西醫診所的話應該也會立刻轉診給大醫院的,大醫院也可能以手術為發展方向。這麼棘手的病例,中醫幾乎是遇不到的,很幸運地是,來跟老師--溫崇凱中醫師跟診的經驗裡,眼疾患者不只每天都有,而外展神經麻痺,光是我就跟診過二例。

    第一個是三年前跟診,有位從加拿大來的患者,跟我一樣來自溫哥華,她當導遊,在美國帶團時走路輕微絆了一跤,也沒跌倒很嚴重,結果沒多久就出現複視double version,而且眼球卡住不能動,她在美國只好立刻就醫;不見好轉,回加拿大繼續到當地醫院以及加拿大最權威的大型醫院做檢查與治療,都無法有任何進展......;患者此時想到也許中醫還有機會,大肆搜尋大陸與台灣網路,最後來到老師的診所,在我跟診的第一天,就看到患者的視力有立即性的改善。我記得患者在第九次治療時就說眼球就可以動了。


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