Achieving a Balanced Immune System with Acupuncture - Sjögren's syndrome is no longer terrifying

When this patient, a female in her thirties, visited the clinic, she indicated that her eyes had been in a bad condition. She had suffered from glaucoma, eye floaters and xerophthalmia for about three or four years. I thought she had come here for treatment on her eyes, as there had been many patients with eye conditions in my master's clinic. For a long time I had heard that there had been patients with eye conditions including maculopathy, visual field impairment, double vision, eye floaters, xerophthalmia, etc. I had been looking forward to seeing how my master treated patients with eye conditions. The patient then went on to talk about her joint pain, which was very severe. She had been feeling lower back pain since half a year ago. Most problematic for her had been the soreness and pain in her left shoulder and neck that had persisted for over ten years. She indicated that she had seen countless Western doctors, some of whom stated that she had had shoulder and neck muscle membrane inflammation. For this, she had received extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) once a week for at least twenty weeks. 'Did the therapy work?', she was asked. She indicated that the therapy had worked straight away and she had felt that the condition had been alleviated, but the soreness and pain would come back again very quickly afterwards. However, of the countless therapies she had received, so far only ESWT had alleviated her condition slightly. Although it had only led to a temporary improvement in her condition, she had been left with no other options.


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