巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:聽力損壞受損Hearing loss (2)

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Saving Patients from Hearing Loss with Acupuncture

Treating the functional degeneration or loss of the sensory system is very tricky, be it visual, auditory, olfactory, or gustatory. Therefore, it is important to protect the five sense organs when healthy. However, clinically, there are some patients whose functions of the sensory systems are congenitally weak. For these patients, although they do not overuse their sensory system, their sensory system is likely to degenerate prematurely. During my observation at the clinic, I encountered a patient who had lost the hearing in one of his ears since he was little. He was now about fifty years old and had experienced hearing loss in his other ear for several months, along with ‘fragmenting’ noises that sounded like broken TV or radio signals. He could not hear his colleagues or wife calling him from far away. When people talked to him from a close distance, they sounded very piercing to him. After contracting this illness, the pre-existent ringing in his ears had become louder. Furthermore, he had had his hearing tested in hospitals before and the results were poor. He had received hyperbaric therapies and taken steroids, B vitamins and western medicines for boosting blood circulation, but none of them had improved his condition. As a result, the patient had been so anxious that he could not sleep. He worried that if he could not hear even with the remaining ear, his life would become black and white.


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    人的五官覺受功能退化或喪失,是非常難處理的一件事。不管是視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺等都屬高難度,因此平時五官要好好保護。但臨床上少數有些先天功能比較弱化的患者,雖沒過度使用,也可能提早發生退步。臨床跟診就遇到一位從小就單耳失聰的患者,現今約五十歲,另一耳也開始出現聽覺損壞(hearing loss)幾個月了,還伴隨著像是電視或收音機收不到訊號會出現的斷訊雜音,同事或老婆太遠叫他,他都聽不到,太靠近他講話,則還會覺得很刺耳;病發後本來就有的耳鳴變更大聲。再加上已去過大醫院測試聽力,數據很糟;做了高壓氧、吃類固醇與維他命B群和促進血液流動的西藥,能做的全試過皆毫無進展,因此患者焦慮到睡不著,擔憂如果連這一耳也聽不到,那人生就變黑白了。



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