巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:腦性麻痺CP (2)

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Acupuncture Treatment for Children with Cerebral Palsy - a Medical Miracle!

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a multiple functional disorder which is mainly manifested in body movement dysfunction. It is motor neuropathy which occurs before the brain is fully developed. The gestation period, birth period, or the post-birth early period is believed to be the time when the motor dysfunction develops. Physical therapies are the main treatment method in modern medicine for children with CP. During my observation at Dr. Wen's clinic, I met two little patients with CP, one aged 7 and the other 8, both from Thailand. They didn't know each other originally. They were said to have known each other in a western medicine clinic in Thailand. Children with CP need to receive an injection once every three months; otherwise, they will have no leg strength when walking and can only rely on assisted vehicles. As these two children met each other regularly, the parents of the 7-year-old child saw that the 8-year-old child was getting better at walking, even though he was not receiving any injections. The parents asked out of curiosity. It turned out that the 8-year-old child had come to Taiwan to receive acupuncture treatments. Since then, the 7-year-old child has joined him and traveled to Taiwan for treatments.

I am particularly impressed by the little 7-year-old patient, because the treatment he needed required a longer time and his parents quit their jobs just to come and stay in Taiwan for half a year for his treatment. Out of curiosity, I asked the father what made him make such a big decision. He said that he has had such an idea since his son received his first acupuncture treatment here. 'Because there have not been positive results from a wide variety of western treatments which he has received since he was little, such as physical therapies and even injection, I took him to Dr. Wen for the acupuncture treatments. After the first treatment, we passed by a park, and I saw him stepping onto a very thin and long retaining wall of a flowerbed. Although he staggered, he did not fall. Before that, he would not possibly have had the ability to walk on a narrow wall without falling off. Therefore, I was confident that I had found the solution for saving my child's life!'


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    腦性麻痺Cerebral palsy簡稱CP,簡稱腦麻或腦癱,是一種以肢體運動功能性障礙為主的多重性障礙,大腦在發育尚未成熟前的運動神經病變,這些造成運動機能障礙的時間點,被懷疑是妊娠期、生產期、或出生後早期。現代醫學對腦癱小兒的治療多以復健為主。我在跟診期間,遇到二位小患者,一個七歲、一個八歲,都是從泰國來的。他們彼此原本也不相識,聽說是在泰國的西醫診所裡面認識的,腦癱小兒三個月就要打針一次,否則走路無力,只能坐輔助車。因為經常碰面,七歲小兒的家長看到八歲小患者即使還沒打針,走路卻比較順了,好奇問了一下,原來是來台灣找Dr.Wen針灸,之後,就跟著一起來台灣治療了。



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