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目前分類:纖維肌痛症Fibromyalgia (2)

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纖維肌痛症Fibromyalgia,簡稱FMA ,又名公主病。公主病的由來,是因這個病對痛感的閾值較低,旁人輕摸一下,也痛得哇哇叫,好似嬌貴的公主,碰都不能碰。患者對碰觸壓力反應劇烈,周邊神經系統被過度刺激,中樞神經敏感化較強。痛覺描述較趨極端,痛感甚至以「玻璃在割」,因為檢查不出來病因,也有患者被懷疑「無病呻吟」而引起焦慮、憂鬱、失眠等,甚或造成共病症(comorbidity)。疼痛位置表述不清,通常以「全身都在痛」來概括。致病機轉至今仍不清楚,但與纖維或肌肉無關,可能與中樞神經的神經傳導物質失衡相關,例如抑制疼痛的血清素(serotonin)不足,因此,有的西醫除了開立止痛藥、抗發炎藥外,也會開立抗憂鬱藥或抗癲癇藥來使神經遞質上升,不過,目前為止,這個被稱為神秘疼痛的病症,還找不出來確切原因,也沒有有效的方法可以治療。



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With Acupuncture, Patients with Fibromyalgia are No Longer Considered to be ‘Princesses’

Fibromyalgia, abbreviated to FMA, is also called the ‘Princess Syndrome.’ This nickname originates from the fact that patients with FMA have a lower pain tolerance. Even being touched gently will make FMA sufferers cry out in pain, as if they were fragile and pampered princesses who cannot bear being touched. Patients with FMA respond dramatically to touch and pressure. Their peripheral nervous systems are over-stimulated and their central nervous systems are more hypersensitive. Their perception of pain tends to be extreme; the pain can even be described as 'like being cut by glass'. As the causes of FMA cannot be identified through examinations, sometimes others might surmise that FMA patients are just moaning about imaginary illnesses. As a result, these patients become anxious, depressed, insomniac, and even develop comorbidity. They cannot clearly identify the specific pain points, and often generalize it by indicating it to be “widespread pain over the entire body.” To date, the pathogen of FMA is still unclear. However, it has nothing to do with the fibers or muscles but possibly with the imbalance of the neurotransmitters of the central nervous system, for example, the deficiency of serotonin, a chemical that inhibits pain. As a result, in Western medical practices, in addition to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, some doctors will prescribe antidepressants or anti-epileptic drugs in order to increase the serotonin level in the patients' blood. Until now however, the exact causes of this illness, which is considered to be responsible for the mysterious pain, are still unknown, nor are there effective treatments for it.


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