巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:罕見雙面癱瘓 Facial palsy both side (2)

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Bilateral Bell’s Palsy, "one in every five million"; conditions forcefully reversed via acupuncture treatments.

Bell’s palsy is a common neurological disorder. Patients suffering from Bell’s palsy tend to have a history of staying up late at night, overwork, critical illness or physical exhaustion. Among these factors, staying up late and stress are most commonly seen. What Bell’s palsy patients find unfathomable is why they are the ones affected, while there are so many people who don’t have enough sleep. The key lies in their immunity. When a person’s immunity is low, he or she is prone to infection from two types of neurological viruses which result in shingles or facial paralysis. In the worst-case scenario, patients might be affected by both of them at the same time. The most common symptom prior to the attack of facial paralysis is a neuropathic throbbing pain in or behind the ears, or on the sides of the brain. The neuropathic pain induced by viral infection is different from headaches in general and occurs in the form of intermittent twinges. Sometimes it lasts for a while and sometimes occurs in succession. The main point is about the way the pain is manifested. It’s unique in that it’s a sharp throbbing pain. A twinge. Anyone who has such symptoms should be cautious about whether or not he or she is infected by neuropathic viruses. During the course of the development of Bell’s palsy, if patients have shingles and throbbing pains around the ear first and the eye or mouth starts to droop – a symptom of the Bell’s palsy attack­ –, most patients’ throbbing pain in the ear will be gone by the time the drooping occurs. However, if the subtle throbbing pain continues to exist, it means the virus is still present, likely to continue to invade the nerves, and the facial paralysis will continue to deteriorate. For the entire treatment to be effective, the pain has to be stopped first and viral invasion contained. When both shingles and facial paralysis occur at the same time, it means the damage inflicted to the facial nerves is more severe.


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    面神經麻痺(Bell's palsy)是常見的神經疾患,患者通常有熬夜、過勞、大病或身體虛損等病史,其中熬夜或壓力大的比例最高,但他們不解的是,不睡覺的人那麼多,為何罹病的是他們而不是別人呢?關鍵就在於免疫力,免疫力低下時有二種神經性病毒容易來犯,一個是帶狀泡疹,另一為面癱,嚴重時則二種同時報到。因此面癱發作前也常見伴隨耳內或耳後或側腦的神經抽痛,這種神經病毒侵犯的痛法跟一般頭痛是不一樣的,它是一種間歇性的抽痛,有時持續一陣子、有時再接續,重點是痛法,很特別為迅速抽一下、抽一下的"抽痛",只要有這種抽痛出現,可能要警覺是不是神經性病毒找上門來了。罹病過程如果是耳朵先帶狀泡疹抽痛,接續等「口眼喎斜」出現,面癱再發作,此時多數患者的耳朵就不抽痛了;如果還會持續隱約抽痛,代表病毒仍在,還有機會繼續侵犯神經,面癱的損害仍會一直惡化。治療上要先讓抽痛停止,先遏止病毒繼續侵犯,整體治療才會更有效果。二病同犯的另一層意義是,造成的面神經損害通常都是比較劇烈的。



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