巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:阿茲海默失智症AD (2)

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Acupuncture Treatment Restoring the Memories of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

According to the estimates of Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) in 2018, the number of people worldwide in 2018 suffering from Alzheimer's Disease (AD) increased by 10 million, which meant that, on average, one person was contracting AD every three seconds. In 2018, the total number of patients globally with AD was approximately 50 million. By 2050, this figure is estimated to increase to 152 million. The total estimated cost of caring for people with AD was one trillion USD in 2018 and will likely increase to two trillion USD by 2030. This costly disease is in fact a modern and relatively new disease. It was first identified and presented by the German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906. One hundred years on, the total amount of money that humankind has spent on giving care to patients with this disease has reached an unprecedented high. One can clearly see how terrifying and difficult this disease is. Please note, this figure represents the cost spent on 'caring', not 'treatment.' The medical circle has publicly admitted that no cure for AD has been found. Even Pfizer, Inc., the biggest pharmaceutical company worldwide, published a press release in 2018 stating that it has given up its efforts in the research and development of drugs against AD.


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    依據2018年國際失智症協會(ADI)推估,2018年全球新增一千萬名失智症患者,平均每三秒就有一人罹患失智症。2018年全球失智症人口約五千萬人,2050年罹病人數預估將高達一億五千二百萬人。2018年花費在失智症的照護成本預估為一兆美元,2030年將倍增為二兆美元。這個成本高昂的病症,卻是一個現代新病,甫於1906年由德國阿茲海默醫師發現和提出,經過一百年後,世人花在照護這個病的成本上,竟為前所未有地新高,可見該病的可怕與困難,請注意它的成本是用在"照護"不是治療,因為醫學已經公開承認對失智症無藥可施,連全球最大製藥廠輝瑞( Pfizer, Inc. )也於2018年初發布新聞稿放棄對該藥研發。



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