巴帕金森氏症 失智 阿茲海默 小腦萎縮 僵直性脊椎炎 黃斑病變 青光眼 高眼壓 視野缺損 複視 腰痛 椎間盤壓迫 頸椎骨刺 手麻腳麻 五十肩 糖尿病 高血壓 腎臟萎縮 肥胖 過瘦 頭痛 經痛 不孕 陽痿 隱疾 痔瘡 水腫 頻尿 便秘 罕病

目前分類:突發性耳聾SSNHL (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Treating Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) with Acupuncture

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) is an acute condition. It strikes very quickly, and it is required to seize the time to treat SSNHL, the quicker the better. Clinically, patients with SSNHL are often asked if they had emotional fluctuations or if they had been stressed for a long period before the onset of SSNHL. The majority of their answers are 'yes'. There are a lot of patients in particular who have an impetuous and stormy temperament and suffer from SSNHL after experiencing an intense confrontation.


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