Acupuncture Re-Positioning the Brain that Had Been Moved to the Front by Concussion.

When the young and pretty mother brought her little son to the clinic, you could tell from her face that she was torn with anxiety. She said that her son had fallen and hit the back of his head, but he kept saying that his forehead ached. He had vomited and for several days consecutively the pain had developed to the extent that he could not sleep or eat. None of the hospital check-ups, prescriptions or admission to the hospital had proven effective. The parents had been seeking medical treatments for their son but had not been able to alleviate the pain of their precious child. One could understand how tormenting it had been for the parents. The mother found the clinic of my master through an internet search; because of this, she had been rebuked by her husband, who thought that she was like a drowning man clutching a straw, even believing in the Chinese medicine that did not have any scientific basis. Therefore, before her son received the acupuncture treatment, she wanted to make sure that acupuncture would not result in any side effects. Besides, she also said that her son could not cope with pain very well and was not sure if he could accept acupuncture treatments.


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